OMR Act 3 - Creating Simple Datasets for OMR

Although we have the technical capabilities to render scores to bitmaps and create various ground-truth data, we are not done yet. The most important requirement that machine learning techniques impose to a dataset is the IID property of the samples. IID stands for an independent and identically distributed random variable.
Thus, we should generate our dataset using random generators. However, the usability and ergonomics to do that, should be the highest priority. In the following, we apply a popular design pattern many Rust libraries have adopted called the Builder Pattern.
impl Note {
    pub fn note() -> PitchedNoteBuilder<NoPitch, NoNoteType>;
    pub fn rest() -> NoteRestBuilde<NoNoteType>r;
    pub fn grace() -> NoteGraceBuilde<NoPitch, NoNoteType>r;

pub struct PitchedNoteBuilder<P, N> {
    pitch: P,
    note_type: N,
    dot: Option<Dot>,
    stem: Option<Stem>,
    accidental: Option<Accidental>,

impl<P, N> PitchedNoteBuilder<P, N> {
    /// Assigns a pitch, REQUIRED.
    pub fn pitch(self, pitch: Pitch) -> PitchedNoteBuilder<HasPitch, N>;

    /// Assigns a note_type, REQUIRED.
    pub fn note_type(self, note_type: NoteType) -> PitchedNoteBuilder<P, HasNoteType>;

    /// Specifies a dot will be used.
    pub fn dot(mut self) -> Self;

    /// Assigns a stem.
    pub fn stem(mut self, stem: Stem) -> Self;

    /// Assigns an accidental.
    pub fn accidental(mut self, accidental: Accidental) -> Self;

    // ...

impl PitchedNoteBuilder<HasPitch, HasNoteType> {
    /// Finalizes the builder and returns a `Note` of type PitchedNote.
    /// `NoteType` has a higher precedence over stems.
    /// If a `NoteType::Whole` is assigned to a stem, the stem is ignored.
    /// For any `NoteType`s, a stem is mandatory. It will select `Stem::Up` as default.
    pub fn build(self) -> Note;
Due to clever templating techniques, a Note can only be finalized (by calling build()), when a Pitch as well as a NoteType have been provided. As invalid notes are handled at compile-time, this builder pattern is called a Typestate Builder Pattern. With this, creating a Note is as easy and pretty as the following:
let note = Note::note()
    .pitched(Pitch::new(Step::A, 4))
Let's extend this pattern to generate random notes! The idea is to be able to call random() at any given time. This will work similarly as finalizing a note with build(), but it chooses missing properties randomly.
For this to work, we have to implement the rand Distribution trait for each enum and struct we defined. Due to the strong typing of Rust, this task is straightforward as shown for the boilerplate needed for Step:
impl Distribution<Step> for Standard {
    fn sample<R: rand::Rng + ?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> Step {
        match rng.gen_range(0..=6) {
            0 => Step::C,
            1 => Step::D,
            2 => Step::E,
            3 => Step::F,
            4 => Step::G,
            5 => Step::A,
            6 => Step::B,
            _ => unreachable!(),
In combination with a RandomConfig specifying which properties should be turned on, the usage will look as follows:
// initialize a RandomConfig
let random_config = RandomConfig::builder()
    .octaves(vec![4, 5])                                              // octave limited to either 4 or 5
    .note_types(vec![NoteType::Quarter])                              // only Quarter notes
    .stems(vec![Stem::Up, Stem::Down])                                // either Up or Down
    .accidentals_maybe_of(vec![Accidental::Flat, Accidental::Sharp])  // sometimes, a Flat or Sharp appears

let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
// create 500 samples and store them to disk
(0..500).map(|_| {
    // each Score has two notes
    let score = Score::builder()
        .add_note(Note::note().random(&mut rng, &random_config)))
        .add_note(Note::note().random(&mut rng, &random_config)))
    // render Score
    let model = RenderModel::from_score(score, MAX_WIDTH);
    // store to disk...
As visible above, creating a segmentation mask as well as bounding boxes needs element_classes as arguments. These element classes were shown in Act 2, and summarize all the existing distinctions of musical symbols and classes. However, most of the time the user doesn't care about most classes and e.g. just wants to predict the note heads or note stems.
Therefore, there is a configurable ElementClasses struct which can be configured as follows:
// specify which classes should be used
let element_classes = ElementClasses::builder()
    .set_class(ElementClass::Background, 0)
    .set_class(ElementClass::NoteWhole, 1)
    .set_class(ElementClass::NoteHalf, 1)
    .set_class(ElementClass::NoteFilled, 1)
    .set_class(ElementClass::Staff, 2)
Excluding the Background class i.e. fixed to class 0, each note head (no matter the type) will belong to class 1 and the staff lines belong to class 2.

Finally, we end up with with a very intuitive API that leads to readable code using our library notensatz to generate a dataset of 500 images where each sample currently contains exactly two notes.
Six samples of the dataset.
Extending this generation to more notes, using different random parameters such as restricting all stems to point upwards or predicting accidentals as well becomes trivial. We are now ready to apply some machine learning techniques!

Act 2

Filetype Agnostic Music Rendering?

Act 4

Three Machine Learning Approaches to OMR